Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Ending Aid Dependence (Second Edition) launched at Chatham House

On 4 November 2008, South Centre launched the second edition of the book "Ending Aid Dependence" authored by Dr. Yash Tandon, Executive Director, at an event organized by the Chatham House.

Over 40 colleagues participated in the book launch which was chaired by Mr. Firoze Manji, Director, Fahamu.

The book launch was attended by over 40 colleagues. Dr. Tandon briefed the audience on some of the key messages coming out of the book and the steps needed to ending aid dependence. He also explained the innovative taxonomy presented in the book based on rainbow color to distinguish different kinds of aid, from solidarity aid (Purple) to ideological aid (Red).

On the whole, the book cautions countries of the South against falling into the aid trap and endorsing the aid agenda of the OECD – the club of rich donor countries. If endorsed, it would subject the recipients to a discipline of collective control by the donors right down to the village level. This will specially affect the donor-dependent countries, in particular the poorer and more vulnerable countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean.

Watch a short commentary below by Yash on the need for "change of mindset" that we cannot develop without aid to end Aid Dependence, recorded by the Eldis Community.

For more information on the book and to purchase a copy, go to http://www.aidexit.org/