Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Working Lunch on WIPO Standing Committee on Patents (SCP)

On 18 June 2008, South Centre's Innovation and Access to Knowledge Programme (IAKP) organized a Working Lunch for delegations of developing countries. The purpose of the working lunch was to coordinate and prepare for the upcoming meeting of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Standing Committee on Patents (SCP).

The key issues that the SCP will be discussing in the session to take place from 23-27 June 2008 will be: 1) Review of the WIPO Report on the Patent System (SCP/12/3)
2) The future work plan of the SCP

The meeting was chaired by Dr. Xuan LI, Coordinator of Innovation and Access to Knowledge Programme.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

South-North Dialogue of Food and Energy Security opens in Geneva, 17 June 2008

South Centre and the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Indonesia in Geneva organized this joint event to assess the underlying causes and policy dilemmas related to energy security, food security and livelihood security and multilateral responses required to correct the systemic issues.

H.E I Gusti Agung Wesaka Puja, Charge d'Affairs, Permanent Mission of Indonesia to Geneva and Dr. Yash Tandon, Executive Director of the South Centre provided the welcome address. Ambassador Puja stressed the need for multilateral responses to multidimensional crisis such as that of food security while Dr. Tandon laid out the systemic issues underlying food crisis and which requires a rethinking of existing development strategies.

Opening remarks were made by Mrs. Lakshmi Puri, Acting Deputy Secretary General of UNCTAD and by H.E Ambassador Juan Antonio Fernandez Ambassador of Cuba to the UN. Mrs Puri described the food crisis as an urgent wake up call in the area of development while Ambassador Antonio Fernandez illustrated the negative impact on the realization of the right to food of the worsening of the world food crisis, caused inter alia by the soaring food prices’.

Session 1: Understanding the Extent of the Problem
Mr. Josef Schmidhuber from Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) reminded the audience that food prices will remain high as long as oil prices remain high.
Mr. Mbaye Ndiaye from Permanent Mission of Senegal stressed that agriculture should be high in the economic agenda at the national and intenational level and adequate resources should be mobilized to help developing countries, especially the LDCs.
Ms. Umpika Poonachit, Permanent Mission of Thailand shared the policy responses undertaken by Thailand - as a rice exporting, middle-income developing country, to tackle the food security issue.
Section 2: Causes and Possible Solutions
Ms. Teresa Cavero (Oxfam) explained how decades of wrong policy prescriptions to developing countries and forced liberalization have led to price crisis. Developing countries were forced to let agriculture fall apart and then forced to open their markets which were flooded with cheap imports. Unregulated capital and commodity markets and push towards biofuels has fueled food crisis.
Over 80 people are participating in the event from Missions to the UN of countries of the North and South in Geneva, NGOs and other development agencies.

Working lunch on IP Enforcement (WCO, ACTA and UPU)

The Innovation and Access to Knowledge Programme (IAKP) of the South Centre organized a working lunch on IP Enforcement (WCO, ACTA and UPU) for the delegates of developing countries in Geneva.

A background paper prepared by South Centre was circulated during the lunch meeting. In addition, a presentation on World Customs Organization (WCO) relevant updates and issues was given by Mr. Henrique C. Moraes, Delegate, Brazilian Mission to Brussels.

Working Lunch on WTO Agriculture and NAMA Negotiations

Following the release in May 2008 of revised versions of the draft modalities texts for agricultural and NAMA WTO negotiations, the South Centre's Trade for Development Programme (TDP) drafted comments to both the texts.

On 16th June 2008, it organized a working lunch on WTO Agriculture and NAMA Negotiations to facilitate developing country delegations to analyse and respond to both the texts. Mr. Darlan Fonseca Marti and Ms. Luisa Rodriguez, Programme Officers, TDP, South Centre chaired the meeting.

Working Lunch on WCO/SECURE with respect to standards for enforcement of IP rights

A working lunch was organized by the South Centre on 11 June 2008 to discuss strategies for the upcoming meeting of the World Customs Organization (WCO) with respect to standards for enforcement of IP rights.

A presentation on possible scenarios was given by Dr. Xuan LI, Coordinator - Innovation and Access to Knowledge Programme (IAKP) and also chaired the meeting.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

IP Enforcement and WCO Provisional Standards Employed by Customs for Uniform Rights Enforcement (SECURE)

Dr. Xuan Li, Coordinator of the Innovation and Access to Knowledge Programme (IAKP), delivered a presentation on "WCO Provisional Standards Employed by Customs for Uniform Rights Enforcement (SECURE)" at the strategy workshop on Intellectual Property and Enforcement hosted by the Open Society Foundation (OSI) in London on June 2-3, 2008.

The workshop was held in the context of a number of domestic, bi-lateral and multilateral policy agendas on intellectual property enforcement has recently been placed. Some of the proposed measures may seriously violate fundamental rights of consumers and citizens as well as inhibit the development of new, innovative (business) models for knowledge production and dissemination.

Confronting the Challenge of Technology for Development: Experiences from the BRICS

Dr. Xuan Li, Coordinator of Innovation and Access to Knowledge Programme (IAKP) along with her program colleagues Yogesh Pai and Jinmin Wang participated in the Oxford Conference on "Confronting the Challenge of Technology for Development: Experiences from the BRICS" in Oxford on 29 - 30 May 2008.

Two presentations were delivered by South Centre, on "Patent Application as Indicator of the Geography of Innovation Activities: Problem and Perspectives" and on "The Innovation of SMEs and Development of Industrial Clusters in China".

For more information, please contact, Dr. Xuan Li at

South Centre in Media (Business Daily): Regional trade helps fight hunger

May 28, 2008: Regional trade agreements could not only serve to protect farmers in developing countries but could also be used for the swift distribution of food aid from neighbouring countries in times of famine.

Luisa Bernal, coordinator of the trade development programme at the South Centre in Geneva, made these remarks last week in an interview with IPS about the links between commodity dependence and development.

South Centre, together with ActionAid, recently concluded a report revealing how a few large players have secured most of the agricultural commodity business for themselves. South Centre is an intergovernmental organisation working at enhancing South-South cooperation.

Read complete news article at:

South Centre in Media: Africa: The Committed Intellectual - Reviving And Restoring the National Project

South Centre appears at

A man or woman with no passion has no heart; one with no power of reasoning has no mind, writes Yash Tandon.

It is the combination of heart and mind that produces the balanced person who uses their mind to pursue their passion. Let us speak truth to power, but let us also speak the existential truth of our people's world to the negotiated truth of the diplomatic world. Our collective efforts, he continues, will lead to a new vision of a better world, one that is fair, just, peaceful and bountiful to all the peoples of the world.

Read the complete news article at:

Monday, June 9, 2008

South Centre Participates in UNFCCC Sessions of the Subsidiary Bodies in Bonn

Mr. Vice YU, Coordinator, Global Governance for Development Programme, South Centre is in Bonn to participate in the twenty-eighth sessions of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) and the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change taking place from 4-13 June 2008.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Working Lunch on Trade Facilitation (in advance of Negotiating Group on Trade Facilitation)

South Centre organized a working lunch on trade facilitation on Thursday, 22 May 2008, from 13h00-15h00. Over 25 colleagues from the Geneva Missions participated in this meeting to discuss and brainstorm on specific proposals (with respect to GATT Articles V, VIII, and X and with respect to TACB and S&D) in advance of the meeting of the Negotiating Group on Trade Facilitation that took place in Geneva from 26-30 May 2008.

Mr. Vice Yu, Coordinator- Global Governance for Development Programme, South Centre chaired the meeting and a presentation was delivered by Mr. Ram Kumar working in the same programme.

South Centre provides support to São Tomé and Príncipe the context of the Economic Partnership Agreement negotiations

Mr. Darlan F. Marti, Programme Officer, Trade for Development Programme provided support to São Tomé and Príncipe for the preparation of their market access offers on goods and services for submission to the European Union in the context of the Economic Partnership Agreement negotiations from 15 May to 22 May.